I had the chance to meet with some Pastor’s from around my district yesterday to discuss Christian Education, and I have to admit the guys I met with were a pretty sharp crew.  Our discussion revolved around the real needs of churches throughout Southern New England, and what the district can do to help.  One of the most common requests was that pastors needed someone to connect them with leads on quality resources.  Whether it be for kid’s church, youth ministry, or just church in general, pastors and churches are looking for someone to point them in the direction of good resources.
In that vein, I am going to start posting more often on resources I feel are helpful. Â Hopefully, some of those at the meeting, along with a few others, will find my posts helpful. Â I know that a lot of what I will be doing is passing on other peoples ideas, rather than creating my own stuff, but I hope that I can be a filter for good ideas that others can take advantage of.
I’m sure that there are plenty of resources I’ll miss because I am not aware of them myself, so if you are aware of any, feel free to shoot me an email or post something in the comments.
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.