We have been having a ton of fun talking about kindness in kid’s church this month. Â This past week we had the kids write up a want ad for a fake newspaper, asking them to describe what an ideal kind person would be like. Â All the responses were great, but this was my favorite…
As the father of a 3 year old, who typically picks the most inopportune times to need use the restroom, I am always thankful for a kind person who gives a bathroom to the bathroomless!
This coming Sunday is the last week we are talking about kindness. Â In March, we move on to courage. Â Also, if you haven’t heard yet, our Sunday morning service times will be changing in March to 8:30, 10:30, 12:30 & 6:30. Â So be sure to be on time!
Hi Pastor Jamie! This entry – the kids portion – was absolutely hysterical – I hope I never find myself bathroomless, but at some point in my life may find myself toothless – not that anyone would be so kind as to give me a tooth – but I am totally endeared to the comments made by children – they give us hope that all will be well in the real world – thank you Jesus for the little ones!