New England Pastors Initiative

There are not many seminars in New England geared towards helping pastors and church leaders grow their churches. This June, however, there is one conference designed to do just that.  The New England Pastors Initiative is hosting it’s second annual conference, featuring guest speaker Dick Hardy.  Dick is the founder of The Hardy Group (, an organization devoted to helping pastors navigate church growth challenges and remove obstacles to that growth.

This one day local conference, on Tuesday, June 13th,  is designed to help pastors and church leaders create fresh momentum and energy in their ministries, promote and market their churches better within their communities, and so much more!  In order to make the conference as accessible as possible, the cost is only $30, which includes a catered lunch.

If you are a pastor or church leader in New England you do not want to miss out on this special day!  To register, or find out more information, simply go to


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