Taking the time to invest in those that work and volunteer for you is crucial. There are probably hundreds of ways to invest in people. Here are twelve easy ideas you can use:
- Appreciate them for who they are, not just what they do.
- Celebrate and honor their accomplishments. Even the small things.
- Encourage them regularly.
- Model the values you expect them to exhibit.
- Repeat the mission of the organization often so they know it well.
- Develop a relationship with them and know about their life outside work.
- Help them identify and develop their strengths.
- Train and equip them for the current job while also helping them grow into larger more challenging roles.
- Address issues and shortcomings with them as they happen. Don’t ignore needed areas of growth.
- Ask for, listen to, and value their opinion.
- Empower them to do their job and release them to do it.
- Pray for them.
How else do you encourage those that work and volunteer for you?